About you

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Question text: 
What sound makes you feel most safe?
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Favourite location
Select options: 
beach, underwater, mountaintop
Question text: 
What location might make you most reflective?
Default answer: 
the beach
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favourite food
Question text: 
What food comforts you?
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Question text: 
What kind of weather is your favourite?
Default answer: 
still and clear
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Question text: 
If you could be any animal or plant (besides human), what would you be?
Default answer: 
harbor porpoise
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Question text: 
What was the last thing which made you upset?
Default answer: 
latest water contamination coverup scandal
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Question text: 
How does someone prove they're truly sorry in your eyes?
Default answer: 
apologize face-to-face with a genuine look of regret in her eyes
Story part: 
X opens her eyes. For just a second she’s not sure where she is, where she’s been, what her brain’s been up to for the past eight hours. She jolts as her phone notifies her of an incoming text. It plays the sound of {{sound}}. A longtime favorite. She views the message. It’s her mom, on the family group chat. “Do you want to come to the Cabin with me, Y?” “Maybe. I need to save credits though. ❤️, X,” X types out. Her mum knows her name isn’t Y anymore. Y was a different person, with a different body, and he’s gone now. Is her mum trying to make a point? “Just let me know X” Maybe all the radiation from the old days of unrestricted wireless really does make her forgetful. X catches herself fantasizing that mom might one day {{prove_sorry}}? Another exercise in disappointment. X recalls {{upset}}, feels a tightness in her stomach. Eyes closed, she sighs and the tension passes. ‘it’s too early for all this’ she thinks... and surfs on her phone for a few minutes. Temperature is going up to +7degrees celsius today. A glance out the window confirms that yesterday’s dust of snow on the rocky peaks across the fjord is gone. The tide is out. On the Nature 2.0, the high mountains have snow all year. Hard to believe. X pictures her dad pointing to the old treeline Nature and saying, ‘I uploaded these images myself in 2029 when I was only 18 becauseI wanted you to see snow.’ X looks at some pictures of {{animal}}s. The latest Mountain Fresh Water video colonises the screen. In any case, thinks X, if I’m going to spend credits on a hangout in Nature 2.0, I’d rather go to the {{Favourite location}} than her mom’s virtual memorial to her old family ‘hytte’. If I can stay at MFW for another 10 months, they’ll give me a discount on an unlimited Nature subscription. But is it worth it? She swings her legs over the side of the bed, then frowns. Her left foot is sticky. Why is her left foot sticky? She looks down in disgust, her foot sitting neatly in a plate of algae-{{favourite food}} from last night’s dinner. G must have left it to make up for what happened yesterday, though she can’t afford to eat less than she does. “Ew!” She shouts, starting to hop towards the bathroom. “Ew.” Hop. “Ew.” Hop. “Ew.” Open door. “Ewwwwww.” There’s a dustbunny hanging by a hair. She moans in discomfort. gross, foot {{favourite food}}. X plugs the sink, takes her personal canteen with the Mountain Fresh Water logo which X painted over with a {{animal}}, like the tattoo on her arm. She can’t afford the water, but she also can’t waste 3 millibitcoins of food, so she rinses off the {{favourite food}}, wipes the plate with her towel, and puts it on the plate. She wishes they could repair their grey water recycler, but the parts cost a fortune. X walks past P and Q as they exit their bedroom, as always holding hands. Weird. G is sitting at the tiny kitchen table, drinking a cup of caff. “Made a cup for you, X,”. X picks up the cup and stares out the window. Good weather today. It’s {{liked_weather}}. Perfect day to go for a walk...Maybe put on the VR headset and go to {{Favourite location}} if there was time.